Welcome to the Palm Beaches where I do most of my writing and online life coaching!

Read my memoir! (Btw, you can rent the movie too!) —Goldie
Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption
by Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS



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Rent the Movie!

72-Hour Streaming Period Rental $6.99
(Closed Caption available for English & Spanish)

Click on this link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/rainbowinthenight

Book a Rainbow in the Night Movie Screening
for your special event or movie night!


In her documentary MOVIE and BOOK, Jane “Goldie” Winn unravels the mystery of how the Lord gently but firmly lifted her up and out of that place of darkness and into the multicolored rainbow of His love. When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love. Goldie has come to appreciate the fulfillment of this promise from Isaiah,

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3 NIV

And because of His great love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with Goldie. Watch her openhearted and compelling story unfold in this poignant and redemptive movie, and be sure to read her book too!

Watch the RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT Movie Trailer!


Executive Director TIM POPADIC
Executive Producer JANE “GOLDIE” WINN
Directed & Edited by MATT BALL
Rated PG-13
Distributed by Vision Video/Redeem TV

“Rainbow in the Night” movie has officially signed a 5-year exclusive agreement with Vision Video/Redeem TV for worldwide distribution! It will be available on Daystar, Pure Flix™, UP Faith and Family, Amazon Prime, YouTube, ROKU, etc., for national and international distribution!

Goldie, Dave, and the crew are very excited to announce that the “Rainbow in the Night” movie just entered into a 5-year, exclusive agreement with Vision Video/Redeem TV for distribution for the movie! It will be available on the major faith-based platforms, including Daystar, Pureflix, Faith and Family and many more for national and international distribution! We give all glory to God, and we are grateful for everyone who has prayed, donated, and offered support throughout the process of bringing “Rainbow in the Night” to the big screen. We know the movie will bring hope, salvation, encouragement, and much healing to the viewers. It will also be streaming on Amazon Prime, You Tube, and Roku. Vision Video is celebrating their 50th anniversary and were best known for the first to distribute the iconic movie “The Cross and the Switchblade” 50 years ago, which is still very popular to this day! We covet your prayers as we navigate getting all the assets transferred to Vision Video for distribution. To God be the glory!

In my book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION, I share the painful process of breaking free of my past and how the Lord met me in a deeply profound and loving way that enabled me to let go and fulfill Yeshua’s plan for my life. —Goldie

Rainbow in the Night has been nominated for Best Documentary Movie for the Red Letter Awards Ceremony, September 21, 2024, in Lebanon, TN.

red letter award for Overcomer 2023 Rainbow in the Night

Rainbow in the Night was nominated in at the Content 2023 Film Festival and News Media Summit for:
1. Best Documentary—Storytelling
2. Best Bio/Testimony Film 

Content 2023 Film Festival and News Media Summit

Rainbow in the Night was nominated in 2023 for Best Short Film at the International Christian Film and Music Festival.

International Christian Film Festival Rainbow in the Night nominated for Best Short Film award

THE RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT MOVIE PREMIERE,  Life Story of Jane “Goldie” Winn, was an unforgettable event! It was held at Movies of Delray in Delray Beach, Florida, on June 4, 2023



Thank you to Barry Alsobrook and Christian Rivera for filming this lovely video of the Premiere highlights!

There was so much excitement planning the RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT MOVIE PREMIERE! It was amazing to see the pre-screening at Movies of Delray on Sunday, June 4, 2023! TO SEE MORE PICTURES AND READ MORE ABOUT THE EVENT, CLICK HERE!

Rainbow in the Night Jane Goldie Winn suthor.speaker.life coach

What would probably strike you the most about Jane “Goldie” Winn is her unquenchable joy. And it would probably shock you to learn that years ago she was a very different person—deeply troubled, persistently self-centered, and profoundly depressed.

When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love.

And because of the great measure of His love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with Goldie as you read her openhearted and compelling book…



by Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS



Rainbow in the Night is a beautiful testimony of how our Messiah works in our lives. As I read the pages of this book, it gave me encouragement and pause to think about my own life.  I laughed and cried along the way as I read so many of Goldie’s life experiences.   Goldie writes not only of her own life circumstances, trials, and joys but also provides thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter.  She encourages you to dig deep and search out your own heart with the Lord.  Goldie writes, “Spiritual growth is a process, not a one-time event.” This book  eloquently delineates this and beautifully shows God’s providential and merciful hand in our lives.   The richest takeaway was to read the testimony of “Nikadot.” In Hebrew, that word means “period.”  If one believes Yeshua is the Messiah, your sins will be forgiven and remembered no more—NIKADOT.  The Lord also promises to walk through life with you and has a place prepared in eternity for you when you take your last breath!  I sincerely and deeply encourage you to read this book and share it with others!
Marla D., Boca Raton FL


Nothing Is Too Hard for God

The author courageously walks through her life story with you.  She authentically and rawly shares her confusion, pain, grief, shame, healing, renewal, freedom, and joy.  I felt like I made a new, dear friend as I read. A friend I will visit multiple times for words of wisdom and encouragement when life is challenging.  If you need to be reassured that nothing is too hard for God, I encourage you to read this book for real-life examples of God’s love, goodness, and faithfulness!
—Diane L.

Sharing the Healing Power of the Lord

Dear Goldie,
I just finished reading your book. I had the privilege of hearing you at Christ the Messiah when you were there. You have had such a powerful journey. It is truly amazing what God will do when we decide to put Him first in our life. I plan to share your book with someone I know who had an abortion years ago and I know has never dealt with it. I related to your Minnesota experience as I grew up in MN. I graduated from St. Cloud after I finally put God first in my life after battling PTSD from Viet Nam. What a journey He has brought me on since. May God’s blessing and favor be with you. He is Lord! Nikadot!


Story of Finding Peace & Happiness through Faith

What I love most about Goldie’s story is her resilience and determination and her total commitment to finding true happiness. Goldie generously shares her wisdom and knowledge and experience on a variety of topics born out of her own life story. She endured an abusive childhood in an unusual time and place. Ultimately, she found true joy through a religious conversion. The story kept me captivated because she writes from her heart. You will fall in love with Goldie as I did as you read this honest and authentic and hopeful story of healing and happiness and faith.

—Eileen Lemelman

Without a Doubt, a Must-Read!

The author, Jane “Goldie” Winn, shares her own deeply personal heartbreaking story with remarkable honesty and vulnerability. Her story touches the reader on a deep level..The author’s beautifully written story will show how she was able to work her way through the tragic events of her life with a Biblical view, and by embracing God-honoring ways to process the hurt…Without a doubt, a must-read!!

—Carla Johnston

Finding Yours

I had the beautiful opportunity to attend a church event with Jane as the main speaker. Hearing her story first hand drew me to the book as my own story of redemption had parallels described; it wasn’t until I entered a chapter of my own darkness that drew me to pick up the book… and couldn’t put it down, there are so many unbelievable ways that the Lord can + will show you your Rainbow in the Night.

—Annette Lucille

From Darkness to Joy Through Grace & Guidance

Rainbow In The Night, A Journey of Redemption is an authentic and heartfelt story of childhood traumas and finding faith. From the moment you engage with Jane “Goldie” WInn, your spirit is lifted to follow her journey. You will feel the tug of your heartstrings through Goldie’s family ties, the pain of a child lost, and finding true love. Goldie’s transparency of finding God and walking in faith is a true testiment to the power of love and forgiveness. This novel is an inside perspective of how she found her joy, the power of prayer, and a guide to walk with faith. Rainbow In The Night is a heart felt and compelling book to lift your spirit and to find the light.

—Dawn Graubert

Feeling Closer to God

To be honest, my faith in God has been shaken this year. I recently lost the person I love this year. I have been questioning God and why he took him away from me. I really don’t know why he placed me in this situation. I might not have the answer now. Maybe In time, I might understand why. Reading your story of redemption left me feeling closer to God. Out of the books that were recommended by our book scouts in the U.S., I got your book. Maybe it’s a sign or what. I don’t know. Thank you for writing the book! 

—L. from Canada

Restored My Faith

RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT delivered a rainbow to my faith. Goldie’s unshakable belief, being guided by the Lord’s hand, was awe inspiring. Her story got me back on the road of my faith journey. Thank you for this blessing.

—Retired Mayor of Youngstown, Ohio; George M. McKelvey


A Remarkable Book!

I so loved your book.  You have shared parts of your story over our many years of our friendship, but I never knew the specifics of your early life, meeting Dave, your education (quite impressive) and all your adventures since then. You are truly a wonderful couple, and this is a remarkable book.  I can recommend it to anyone who wants a totally honest look into a life well-lived (continuing and ongoing) and filled with love and hope.
—Karen K.

This is a story of redemption and you will love the characters!

I found Goldie’s book to be very inspirational. Following Goldie on her journey from depression and uncertainty to redemption and joy touched me very deeply. I found the book to be compelling, well written, and I couldn’t put it down. It’s definitely a good read!
— Sherry, Chosen Enterprises


A wonderfully honest story that will challenge you and touch your heart!

This is a wonderful story of God’s faithfulness in the midst of troubles. Goldie tells this story with passion and clarity. Her transparency is the key, her story is real, genuine and relatable. Goldie and Dave’s faith in Yeshua brought them through trials and it showcases His love and care manifested in their lives. Each Chapter ends with something to make us think. It truly invites you to look into your own story and put your trust in God to bring about healing and redemption as He did for Goldie.

Wonderful! Encouraging! Inspiring!

THANK YOU, Goldie, for having the courage to write this book, which is sure to positively affect anyone who reads it in one way or another. Clearly written from the heart, I couldn’t put it down. Goldie’s love for God and life, and her passion to help others is evident on every page. I loved the whole book and am anxious to share it with family and friends. It’s a blessing to know you, dear friend!

Amazing and inspirational

This book is amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone, it’s a beautifully written journey of how you can face terrible adversities and with help and prayer use it to become a wonderfully happy, productive and inspiring person, something we can all aspire towards. I am so glad I read it, it changed me for the better and I am looking forward to sharing it with loved ones of mine. Thank you Goldie for having the courage to write this and lay it all out for others to judge, the courage this and your self reflection required makes you a monumental soul and one I’m proud to know. Congratulations!!

Inspiring and Transparent

I appreciate that she was extremely transparent, it was a great reminder that our past doesn’t disqualify us. I came to realize through this book some things within myself that I never took into consideration. Reading of God’s continued faithfulness and provision in her life was inspiring.


Listen to award-winning author, speaker, blogger & reviewer, Terri Gillespie, share a review of Goldie’s book! Click HERE!


Life Coaching Online

Jane Goldie Winn, MSS

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Jane Goldie Winn. author. Rainbow in the Night: A Jourmey of Redemption. YouTube Channel

Click HERE for my special message to you about my YouTube Channel!

Goldie’s Nuggets. blog Life Coach Jane Goldie Winn, MSS, author of Rainbow in the Night Movie