In her BOOK and DOCUMENTARY MOVIE, Jane “Goldie” Winn unravels the mystery of how the Lord gently but firmly lifted her up and out of that place of darkness and into the multicolored rainbow of His love. When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love. Goldie has come to appreciate the fulfillment of this promise from Isaiah,
“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3 NIV
And because of His great love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with Goldie. Watch her openhearted and compelling story unfold in this poignant and redemptive movie, and be sure to read her book too!
In my book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION, I share the painful process of breaking free of my past and how the Lord met me in a deeply profound and loving way that enabled me to let go and fulfill Yeshua’s plan for my life. —Goldie
Buy the Book on Amazon!

Watch the RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT Movie Trailer!
Rainbow in the Night is a beautiful testimony of how our Messiah works in our lives. As I read the pages of this book, it gave me encouragement and pause to think about my own life. I laughed and cried along the way as I read so many of Goldie’s life experiences.  Goldie writes not only of her own life circumstances, trials, and joys but also provides thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter. She encourages you to dig deep and search out your own heart with the Lord. Goldie writes, “Spiritual growth is a process, not a one-time event.” This book eloquently delineates this and beautifully shows God’s providential and merciful hand in our lives.  The richest takeaway was to read the testimony of “Nikadot.” In Hebrew, that word means “period.” If one believes Yeshua is the Messiah, your sins will be forgiven and remembered no more—NIKADOT. The Lord also promises to walk through life with you and has a place prepared in eternity for you when you take your last breath! I sincerely and deeply encourage you to read this book and share it with others!
Marla D., Boca Raton FL
Sign Up for Life Coaching Online with Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS
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To learn more about the conference and to purchase your ticket for this transformative event, please visit the website:
Eileen Lemelman interviews Goldie Winn on the SistHER to SistHER Podcast about the importance of music and specifically how music will enhance the experience for women attending the SistHERS of Zion Women’s Summit in Palm Beach Gardens, FL on June 6th-8th, 2025. For more info on the Summit, visit:

Click HERE for my special message to you about my YouTube Channel!
What would probably strike you the most about Jane “Goldie” Winn is her unquenchable joy. And it would probably shock you to learn that years ago she was a very different person—deeply troubled, persistently self-centered, and profoundly depressed.
When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love.
And because of the great measure of His love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with Goldie as you read her openhearted and compelling book.