More Reviews for Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption
We all have a story, but to see how the Lord guides and provides for us takes faith and a close relationship with Him. For those who don’t have a relationship with God there’s hope shared by Goldie and her husband Dave. Our Father’s plan is always perfect, and His unconditional love described throughout this book makes you long to have the same. It’s a wonderful, inspiring read! It took a lot of courage to have shared the lows that Goldie went through, but she came out of them all the stronger. I highly recommend this book for everyone!
—T. Vokaty
Ms Goldie: Just finished reading your book and saw your email on there, so I decided to write you.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your life story and have related to many things you wrote.
How I wish to be able to meet you someday. Maybe it will be in Heaven.
I got your book on a whim because it was recommended by Terri Gillespie on Facebook one morning as I was scrolling through Facebook.
I must tell you I am not a story reader, I enjoy studying Scripture and reading through Messianic commentaries. But, I am so glad that I bought and read your book.
There was one Scripture in particular in your book that I had not really looked at before and when I read it, it spoke to me to use the Scripture as the vision for a prayer ministry that I have just started. That Scripture is Romans 15:13. So, thank you, Goldie, for the gift of your book and sharing your heart. I am getting ready to pass it on to a friend.
Many blessings in Yeshua️,
Rosie Urra
Romans 11:26
All Israel shall be saved!