Time to Reset for 2021

Time to Reset for 2021

Goldie’s Life Coach Tips for 2021:

  1. Stay in the gift of present living. This will decrease anxiety and the need to worry. Corrie Ten Boom said it well: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”
  2. Trust in the Lord’s faithfulness and sovereignty. Don’t focus on circumstances, and keep up the faith! He knows the end from the beginning!
  3. Forgive often and let go of past offenses. Keep short accounts.
  4. Maintain an attitude of gratitude, and remember praise reduces stress.
  5. Stay content. The apostle Paul reminds us that godly contentment is great gain.
  6. Choose “life giving” activities to help offset “life taking” events in your life. Make a list and choose at least one a day to improve your overall sense of well being.
  7. Exercise regularly, enjoy healthy eating (less processed foods, sugar, and lower carbohydrates).
  8. Sleep 7–8 hours a night, and take naps when your body needs them.
  9. Laugh often. Remember, “…he who laughs lasts longest.” (W.E. Nesom). Watching more comedy and less news will greatly improve your mood.
  10. Take up a new hobby, learn an instrument, or take an online class on a subject that interests you.
  11. Practice random acts of kindness. There is always someone who needs encouragement.
  12. Pray often, worship the Lord, stay in fellowship, and study the Bible.
  13. Don’t focus on looking through the rear view mirror at 2020, but instead, have a forward focus for an exciting 2021 with renewed hope!  

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Remember…God’s got this!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

Please feel free to email me at goldalah@icloud.com

I’m here for you and please stay safe.

Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS

Author of Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption


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The Twists and Turns of Life

The Twists and Turns of Life

On one of my recent walks, I saw this tree with many twisted branches. In my book “Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption” I share about many unexpected twists and turns in life that at first seemed very overwhelming. But as I continued trusting the Lord every day for guidance, He revealed His perfect will for my life. Every change was an exciting new adventure! Looking back through the rear view mirror, I am deeply grateful I trusted my unknown future to a known God.

For an encouraging read. you can buy RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kindle.



Click on any of the following links to buy my book; thank you!


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