A Gradual Descent

A Gradual Descent

In my book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION, I write about how I lived a very sheltered childhood while living in the small town of Independence, Iowa. This picture was taken in 1967, the year I graduated from high school.

Little did I know what would await me when I attended my first year of college. The “hippie” revolution was bursting forth on the scene throughout America, and I was not at all prepared to stand up to the peer pressure. It was a very confusing time in my life, which soon led to very poor decision making and a gradual descent into hopelessness.

To read more about my life story, you can buy RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kindle.



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The Staircase

The Staircase

In Chapter 1 of my book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION, you’ll read about what life was like living in the main administration building of a large state mental hospital in the 1950’s. This was the staircase we used every day to leave the superintendent’s apartment, which was housed on the 2nd floor. 

The staircase spilled out into the main lobby, and we were treated like the “first family.” My father was so well respected as the superintendent that the staff would rise to their feet to greet him. He was definitely the patriarchal figure in the hospital.

To read more about my life story, you can buy RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kindle.



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A Place I Called Home

A Place I Called Home

In Chapter 1 of my book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION, I write that my father (a psychiatrist) was offered a position to become the superintendent of a very large state mental hospital in Independence, Iowa.

We left St. Petersburg, FL in 1957 and drove to Iowa to make the move. It was a formidable structure, and we lived on the 2nd floor right in the administration building, which you see in this picture.

My childhood was quite interesting as you can imagine! There were 1100 mental patients when my father assumed his new position. To read more about my journey, click on any of the links below to get your copy!



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Living a Life of Simplicity

Living a Life of Simplicity

On July 12th, National Simplicity Day is celebrated! This day is observed in honor of Henry David Thoreau, who was an advocate for living a life of simplicity. Take this opportunity to begin slowing down, enjoying nature and the simple life giving activities that replenish and nourish your soul. Consider decluttering mentally and physically while striving for more balance in your life.

Here for you…

Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS

Author. Speaker, Life Coach

Email: goldalah@icloud.com

Phone: 215.990.7752



Your Gratefulness Cup

Your Gratefulness Cup

As I took an evening walk behind our condo in beautiful Delray Beach, FL, I began to reflect about the gratefulness quotient. As a Life Coach, I encourage my clients to reflect daily on all the things in life that make them smile. If we maintain an attitude of gratitude, our whole life perspective changes. When our gratefulness cup is full, others around us will also reap the benefit! If you need help filling your cup, I am here for you…

Jane Goldie Winn

Author, Speaker, Life Coach